Why Therapy Might Be The Best Thing You Ever Do…
We may put a lot of time, money and effort into our physical wellbeing or our careers. We invest in the things that give us that immediate sense of satisfaction. That great pump or sweat session in the gym. Hitting a deadline for a incoming pay rise. We make the time and effort when we need to but sometimes we put our mental health to the side in order to just ‘get on’ with the rest. What sometimes we cease to realise is that when we shift more focus on our mental health it improves ALL areas of our lives. Our relationships can improve when we understand them more. Our workouts or sports can improve when we learn our why’s and cultivate discipline and motivation. Our careers can flourish when we set goals and realise theirs more to us than our job title or that we can be happy in our jobs. Going to therapy is a gift that you give yourself. Allow yourself to invest in you for you and let it trickle down into every facet of your life.
There’s a lot to gain from going to therapy. The question is… What do you have to lose?